C# implicit string conversion

Posted by Jonas Elfström Wed, 03 Feb 2010 16:32:00 GMT

I know how it works and I think I can see why but I'm still not very fond of how eager C# is to perform implicit string conversion.

Contrived example:

string s = -42 + '+' + "+" + -0.1 / -0.1 + "=" + (7 ^ 5) + 
      " is " + true + " and not " + AddressFamily.Unknown;

s will be set to "1+1=2 is True and not Unknown"

The answer is in white text above, select the text to see it.

A more real problem is something like this

string str = 1 + 2 + "!=" + 1 + 2;

str will be set to "3!=12".

Edit 2010-02-08
This wouldn't be much of a problem if all objects in .NET always returned a decent string representation of their current state/value with ToString() but that's not the case. Instead "The default implementation returns the fully qualified name of the type of the Object.".
I don't like the inconsistency. It's way too late now but I think it would have been much better if only objects that really produces a human readable output of the data in the object should implement ToString(). If you want the name of the type of the Object there should be another way.

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